Monday, March 28, 2016

Heading the ball is unique to soccer. Since soccer players cannot pass the ball with their hands and arms, they often play the ball off their heads, and it's kind of flashy and fun to watch! Ultimately, a good header begins with your mental frame of mind, and being willing to go for it. However, done incorrectly may not only cause you to foul the ball, it can lead to serious head or neck injury. 
Most head injuries result from two players going after the ball at once and heads collide. Though soccer's not technically a contact sport and is generally safe, statistically, it has the highest rate of collision injury compared to any contact sport, including American football! And yet, soccer players need to approach the ball with unbounded confidence! 
You shouldn't be afraid of heading the ball. So, master the art of heading and you'll not only be a much more confident player, you'll minimize your chances of sustaining an injury. This brief guide covers the basics of why and how headers are done, and includes a few beginner soccer tips and drills to get your game safely 'headed' in the right direction. 

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