Thursday, October 1, 2015

|Researches have been debating about the equivalence of medical injuries from soccer to football. A lot of studies have been done on the long term physical and mental effects of soccer and football. Researches focus on these two sports because of the nature of their games. Football is a heavy contact sport and soccer is a semi heavy contact sport. The researches focus more on head contact and not the rest of the body. They examine football and soccer players with a concussion history and other football and soccer players without any record of concussion in their lives. 
 The focus on todays blog is whether soccer is as a dangerous sport like football. This is a question that the majority of soccer players, fans, and researchers want an answer to. What do you think? Do you think that soccer is as dangerous as football? On my opinion, I do not think that soccer is as dangerous as football. I am not supporting soccer because I am a soccer player but because of previous medical comparison records between soccer and football. Think about it? Well first of all, have you watched a football game? How about a soccer game? Could you spot the difference in contact? 
Football players wear helmets and soccer players do not. Football players need their helmets because they need it to protect them from any form of tackle. Deliberately aiming to tackle the head in football is totally part of the game which makes it more dangerous. In soccer, players do not wear helmets because they do not need it. Soccer players do not need helmets because soccer players only bang their heads on accident. Soccer players rarely bang their heads together basically about two times out of ten. Medically speaking, it has been proven that football players usually have way more concussions than soccer players a ratio around four is to one, four representing football and one representing soccer. 
I am not saying that soccer players are not in a risk of getting severe medical health damage in the long run like football players but I am arguing that football players are at a way higher risk than soccer players. It is true that both football players and soccer players want to argue that the opposite sport is more dangerous, the argument is no use if we do not come to a solution. I think that great intellectuals should come together and provide protections that would protect both soccer players and football players from a medical health damage over the long run. Both sports can have different protection gears for example, better and newer innovative helmet for football players and a new developed head gear to protect soccer players in case of a head contact incident occurs. 

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