Parents enroll their children to all kinds of sports at a very young age. It is common that a little boy usually enrolls in soccer, football, basketball and baseball around the age of 5 and 6. In girls, parents usually sign them up for dance, softball, and gymnastics (they usually enroll girls in gymnastic around when they are 18 months of age) ranging from 18 months of age to 6 or 7. Little kids do not usually request to join a specific sport and or activities but their parents enroll them in different activities for a couple reasons. One of the reasons is that parents want to expose their children to all the possible athletic and academic opportunities possible. Secondly, parents also want their kids to personally weed out the activities they do not want to participate in and focus on the activities that they are more interested in and enjoy participating in.
Some of you guys have already grasped on what I am getting on and others are thinking what does this have to do with soccer. Soccer is one of the sports that parents enroll their kids when they are very young. For example, I have a friend who joined soccer, football, basketball, and baseball but he quit all of these sports and focus on soccer because that is what he enjoys doing. Ok enough with all this twist and turns and let me get straight to the point but before that I want you guys to reflect on the most popular sports that both little boys and girls are exposed to at a very young age. At first, especially in the United States of America, soccer is one of the least common sports that children are enrolled in. Presently things have changed and more and more parents are enrolling their kids to soccer programs like AYSO, YMCA soccer, Little strikers and a whole lot more other organizations.
This blog is meant to persuade parents to include soccer as one of the main sports they expose their children to. Most parents choose not to enroll their kids into soccer programs because most kids are enrolled in football, basketball, and baseball, which ,means that most of their child's friends are engaged in these activities and not soccer, their child's friends not been in the same activities as they are is a great thing because the child can meet new people and make good friends with other kids. It is hard for teenagers to enjoy something that they have not been exposed to since they were young so adjusting to a new sport and or activity is not always easy. Some kids, most commonly in High School, enjoy watching sports like soccer and decide to participate in the High School team but then realize that the sport is not for them due to the fact that they were not exposed to the game as a kid.
Note to parents: please do your children a favor and enroll them in all of the activities you possibly can, it will definitely help you all out in the future because your child will discover his or her passion and enjoy doing whatever his or her passion is for the rest of their lives. Underdog sports like soccer are a good opportunities for your kids to meet new people and have different perspectives about sports and life in general. . . . . . .