Friday, September 25, 2015

What is soccer? A lot of people have very different and diverse answers to this question, is it a sport? Some people think that soccer is just a sport others think that its way beyond that. Some people also think that soccer is a team sport and nothing more nor less, others think that it isn't really a team sport due to the fact that individual players work to better themselves not others. No matter how you interpret what soccer is, you are still going to have most likely the same ways that it affects and influence your life. There are so many ways that soccer affect both soccer players and non soccer players (specifically referring to soccer fans both club and country). 
As an athlete and a soccer player, soccer affects and contributes to my life (social life, personality, work ethic, dedication, optimism etc.) in so many different ways. To break it down, soccer is a way of life in my opinion. This blog is not to be focused on me (not my personal diary) but to explain why I think soccer is a way life, I definitely must refer to first hand experience. I have been playing soccer since I was four (4) years old. I have always had a passion for the beautiful game and still have an even greater passion for soccer. Socially, soccer brings my family together. Again, since when I was four, both my mom and dad drive me to soccer practice. They were always excited to drive me and brother. To this day, my parents have never missed any of my soccer games and not planning on missing any of my soccer games anytime soon. Sometimes during the weekend, we just sit home, relax and watch a beautiful game of soccer on TV, preferably the Barclays Premier League. When we go on vacations to big cities like Chicago, Kansas City and others, we almost always go in time for a match live at the stadium.  
It is true that a good soccer program requires a lot of money, but is it worth it? I would say that soccer is worth every penny spent on it. To my family and I, soccer is priceless. It is true that we have spent enough money on soccer over the years satisfactory to pay off our mortgage.  Soccer calms me down! Just like most teens out there, I also get mad and or irritated sometimes on some really silly stuff. When I am not in the mood to talk to anyone, I take my ball and go out to the soccer field or my backyard and play for hours and hours. Soccer is like my therapy. When my uncle died in 2015, it was a punch in the stomach. I was a little bit depressed, I couldn't stop thinking about him but guess what, I went to a couple soccer practice sessions and goofed around with a ball at home and in no time, I got all better. 
A lot of people have different perspectives on what soccer is and everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. At anytime if one asks me or even goes to the extent to waking me up from my sleep asking what is soccer? I will always say that soccer is my life. 


  1. I can relate to this; I used to play soccer for a long time. I think it is great that soccer can be a passion for people, like volleyball is to me, and I agree with you that it is a therapy. No matter what is going on in your life, you can forget about it when you are focused on the game. And yes, it is a lot of money to play a sport but I think it is worth it also.

  2. I can relate to this post also because i feel as though everyone has something, where it be a sport like you or not, that gets their mind off of stuff. I also think its's cool that youre so passionate about soccer!!
